Thursday, August 10, 2006

Och, it's been awhile.

My last post here was in June. Two months ago almost to the day. Amazing. hmm. So the garden has trucked along. Seedling no more, a riot of green has taken over the modest plot of land I amended for planting. Things are a-ripening and it's a promising start.

I have decided to try to make a real blog, and informative one full of real facts and data and sciency things and how to's as I learn them. And happy little anecdotes and stories. And pictures, lots of them if I can keep it up. Any pics you see in here of things that are not a product, are my own photography.

It will mostly be about my gardening and growing of things, compost organic things pest control, but also other fascinating items such as food, cooking, craftiness and the like. We will see how it morphs. Please leave feedback or comments if you have something to share, say, amend, correct or add. woo.

here is the "before" garden. Someday I will take a current pick. This was taken before all my gardening ventures started.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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